The UNM CNM Consortium Agreement Explained: What You Need to Know

If you`re thinking about pursuing an education at either the University of New Mexico (UNM) or Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), you may want to consider the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement. This agreement allows students to take courses at both institutions and transfer credits seamlessly between them. In this article, we`ll explain what the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement is, how it works, and how it can benefit you as a student.

What is the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement?

The UNM CNM Consortium Agreement is a partnership between two higher education institutions, UNM and CNM. Under the agreement, students are able to enroll in courses at both institutions and have those credits count towards their degree or certificate program. This means that students can take advantage of the unique benefits offered by each institution, while still working towards their academic goals.

How does the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement work?

To take advantage of the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement, students must first be admitted to either UNM or CNM. Once admitted, they can choose to take courses at both institutions and have those credits transfer between them. To do this, students must fill out a Consortium Agreement form, which is available on the UNM and CNM websites. This form allows students to register for courses at both institutions and pay tuition at their home institution. Once completed, the form must be signed by an advisor at both institutions and submitted to the Registrar`s Office at the home institution.

What are the benefits of the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement?

There are several benefits to the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement. First and foremost, it allows students to take advantage of the unique benefits offered by both UNM and CNM. For example, CNM is known for its vocational and technical programs, while UNM offers a wide range of research opportunities and graduate programs. Additionally, the agreement allows students to save money on tuition by taking courses at the less expensive institution. Finally, the agreement facilitates a seamless transfer of credits between institutions, making it easier for students to complete their degree or certificate program.

In conclusion, the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement is an excellent opportunity for students who want to take advantage of the resources offered by both UNM and CNM. By enrolling in courses at both institutions and having those credits transfer seamlessly between them, students can save money on tuition, access unique academic programs, and make progress towards their academic goals. If you`re a student at either UNM or CNM, we encourage you to explore the UNM CNM Consortium Agreement and see how it can benefit you.